Thursday, November 13, 2008

Texture Patches

is there some good way to parametrize a triangular texture in order to compare two textures for similarity?

links to look at:


dark outlines with shadings

lightened shadings

need a way to follow outlines and build texture swaths. we're not going to track the texture or points in the texture (features) as SIFT might. instead, we're tracking and following what swaths are adjoined... we're going to expand on the unwrap mosaics, allowing for more dynamic scenes and removing the assumption of cylindrical topology. it will only take many, many intermediate steps to get there. the idea thus far will parallelize very easily! might even run decently on a GPU...

using statistics to aid tracking. histograms, gradients, mean/median, standard deviation.

build a "flattened" image of dynamic resolution... that's the "trick!"